Our Partners

Our Partners

At Linna Solutions, we collaborate with a diverse range of international partners to deliver top-notch software solutions across various industries. Here are some of the key partnerships and projects we have undertaken:

International Software Development Co., Ltd. / Thailand

  • SO2 Monitoring for the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand
    Developed a web application to assist the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand in monitoring sulfur dioxide (SO2) levels, which can affect human health. This application helps calculate the risk of developing health issues for individuals exposed to sulfur dioxide, such as those with asthma or similar conditions.
    Technologies used: WEB Application + SQL-Database

  • Index Management System for National Cancer Institute (NCI)
    Created a web application and SQL database to manage and streamline data for the National Cancer Institute.
    Technologies used: WEB Application + SQL-Database

  • Research Management System for KMITL
    Developed a web application and SQL database to support research management at King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL).
    Technologies used: WEB Application + SQL-Database

  • Stock and Store Information Management System for Biomass Power Plant, Udonthani
    Implemented a comprehensive web application and SQL database for managing stock and store information at a biomass power plant in Udonthani.
    Technologies used: WEB Application + SQL-Database

Elephas Group Co., Ltd. / Thailand

  • GT-Verify Tire / Bridgestone Indonesia (2018)
    Provided a robust system for verifying tire authenticity and tracking for Bridgestone in Indonesia.
    Project Year: 2018

  • Booking Online / K-BusOnline.com (2018)
    Developed an online booking platform for K-BusOnline, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.
    Project Year: 2018

  • Smart System / Thai Nippon Foods (2018)
    Created a smart system for Thai Nippon Foods to improve various business processes and workflows.
    Project Year: 2018

These partnerships reflect our commitment to delivering innovative and effective solutions across different sectors and regions. We are proud to collaborate with esteemed organizations and continue to expand our global footprint through excellence in software development.